How does our brain function ?
The brain consists of 2 sides, the left brain (IQ) and the right brain (EQ).
As the picture below shows, left brain is more dominant in:
- Analytical
- Logical
- Detail- and Fact-Oriented
- Numerical
- Likely to think in words.
Whereas the right brain is more dominant in:
- Creativity
- Free-Thinking
- Able to see the big picture
- Intuitive
- Likely to visualise more than think in words
Now that we understand how both sides of the brain function, what should we do next? To unleash the potential of both sides of the brain of course!
(We will share with you some brain-stimulation-activity examples at the end of this article)
What defines a smart kid ?
In the past, being smart equates to having high IQ and knowledge.
But in today’s world, the internet has all the information and knowledge we ever need with a click of a button on our phone.
Does this mean that we don’t have to be smart?
The answer is NO. We still have to ensure that our children continue to develop and learn. Therefore, we need to work on their brain. Smart people are the ones who have a flexible brain.
Flexible brain means having a balance of IQ & EQ.
If someone is highly left-brained, one is very good in analysing information and logical thinking but not necessarily excel in sales because sales-related job is more on communication.
If someone is highly right-brained, one is immensely imaginative and creative but they probably won’t do well in a numerical-related job.
So, what we want is a more well-rounded child, who has the ability to pick up information faster, who can visualise things quicker, who is sensitive to sounds, and who is imaginative and creative.
This is why we sum it up as V. A. K. I. (Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic – Imagination)
Our students in INNOVATE MIND class know them as V. A. K. I. (Camera eyes – Super ears – Powerful hands – Imagination)
In short, V. A. K. I. are the crucial learning skills.
Children need to pick up these learning skills in order to know how to learn.
It is just like knowing how to fish in order to get the fish.
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INNOVATE MIND – Right Brain and Left Brain Development Programme
At INNOVATE, we are advocates of balanced brain learning. We are dedicated to providing proper brain stimulation activities to unleash the brain potential and to bridge the gap between left brain and right brain.
The method that we use will ensure that your children develop the learning skills and enable them to have balanced left brain and right brain.
But how ? Let us share with you one of the activities !
Relational Thinking
As shown in the picture, children are given a limited time to arrange the colour stripes accordingly. It may look simple for adults but children need to see the big picture, the goal here (which is to train the right brain function – visualisation) and at the same time analyse which colour is at the bottom, which is on top and which colour stripe should he/she arrange first (which is the left brain function – analysing).
There are 20 brain stimulating activities conducted in a class. Can you imagine how much stimulation will your child receive ? How will these help your child to develop their learning skills? And most importantly, how these activities help your child to be smart (to have flexible brain) ?
Let’s make the right choice for our children. It is never too late to unleash your child’s brain power !
INNOVATE MIND programme is suitable for children aged 3 to 13 !
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右脑教育重要吗?是有科学根据的吗 ?
我们的大脑到底是如何操作的 ?
- 分析
- 逻辑思考
- 着重细节和事实
- 数字
- 倾向文字
- 创意
- 想像
- 着重大局、大蓝图
- 直觉性
- 倾向图像
那当我们了解了左右脑主宰不同的功能后,我们应该做什么呢 ?
当然就是根据其功能,把各自的潜能发挥最大 !
到底何谓聪明的小孩 ?
那我们总结就是V. A. K. I. (Visual 视觉 – Auditory听觉 – Kinesthetic 触觉 – Imagination 想像力)
在我们INNOVATE MIND课程上课的小孩理解为V. A. K. I. (Camera eyes – Super ears – Powerful hands – Imagination)
简短而言,V. A. K. I. 即是学习技巧。
在INNOVATE, 我们提倡左右脑平衡学习。我们致力于提供帮助大脑发育的活动以开发左右脑的潜能,并平衡左右脑。
让我们给你介绍其中一个活动 !
Relational Thinking
如上图所示,小孩需要在特定的时间内将彩色条纹依照上图排好。对成人来说,这简单不过了,对小孩而言,他们除了要看整个大图以外(运用右脑功能 – 图像),同时还得要分析哪个彩色条纹在上,哪个在下(运用左脑功能 – 分析),左右脑不断交换运用,才能把这个活动做好。
在1小时半的课堂里,有20项类似的脑力激荡游戏,你能想像孩子在课堂上接受了多少脑力刺激吗 ?多少学习技巧吗 ?
做个明智的选择,现在就把握开发小孩大脑潜能的时机吧 !
INNOVATE MIND programme是适合3 to 13岁的小孩!