Our unique Abacus Mental Arithmetic programme combines with Music and Multimedia for enhanced learning experience. Â Besides classroom training, our students are provided with an Online Training platform to discover, compete, inspire and share with other students globally.
The 2-Hand 4-Finger Technique is for Left and Right Brain balance. Â Our award-winning and globally recognised programme designed to help children increase their focus and imagination while inculcate the love for numbers and mathematical sums.
Boost Your Child’s Mental Stamina
Left & Right Brain Stimulation

- Numbers/Mathematical Skills
- Computational Thinking
- Focus and Imagination
- Confidence
- Creativity
- Memory
- Speed

- Abacus Mental Arithmetic
- + Music + Multimedia
- International Online Training
- Super-speed counting and writing
- Critical thinking & problem solving
- Relaxation techniquesÂ
- Self-paced learning